The Calm Clinic Mini
A 4-week virtual workshop
Welcome to The Calm Clinic Mini, where we trade ‘what-ifs’ for ‘what is.’
– and what is, is amazing.
You get to enjoy your life without excessive worry, fear, and stress.
When worst case scenarios start swirling as you try to sleep, you know exactly what to do to.
You’re able to show up for challenging situations in life feeling grounded and competent.
You know how to be effective at what matters to you without feeling limited by anxiety and panic.
You remember that your life is beautiful, even in difficult or scary times.
Picture this:
A 4-Week Virtual Workshop Starting November 28th
Where your transformation from nervous nellie to cool cucumber begins
Skills coaching to reduce anxiety, worry, and panic
Skills coaching offers immediate and sustained relief from the cycle of anxiety. Instead of digging into the depths, we’ll focus on helping you establish the tools you need IMMEDIATELY to start feeling better. You’ll learn how to reduce anxiety, prevent panic attacks, and set up your life so that you’re less vulnerable to worry, panic and anxiety. You’ll become competent with skills to use in any and all situations that make you start to feel clammy or have you looping about what-ifs.
The Calm Clinic Mini includes:
4 live calls, all recorded and saved for you.
A workbook so you have all of the info and skills in one place to reference.
Weekly feedback form so you can let me know what’s working, what’s not, and how to make it perfectly tailored to you.
Begins November 28th, 2023
Click below to learn about our tiered pricing model
Meet your coach,
Kate Ireland, PhD
Hi, I’m Kate!
I’ve been a psychotherapist in high schools, colleges, treatment centers, and private practice for 15 years. My coaching workshops draw on skills from Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and resilience research.
I hold a B.A. from Yale University, a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology, and a Ph.D. in East West Psychology, both from the California Institute of Integral Studies.
I love skills coaching because clients walk away with a concrete self-care practice that actually works. These are skills you can draw on for the rest of your life in times of stress or overwhelm!
What it’s like to be in the program
This is a 4 week, virtual skills coaching workshop. The skills come from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), and resilience research.
It includes 4 weekly Zoom calls + a workbook. November session will be Tuesdays 12pm-1:30pm EST beginning November 28th, 2023.
The calls will be recorded if you can’t attend live, and there will be a form for you to message me questions that I will answer on the live session.
You will never be called on or asked to share unless you volunteer. This is your time and space to get what you need to start feeling less anxious.
Join us and let's go from nervous nellies to cool cucumbers!