Skill Building Workshops
The Calm Clinic Mini
Begins November 28th, 2023. Learn how to reduce anxiety, prevent panic attacks, and set up your life so that you are less vulnerable to worry, panic and anxiety. You’ll become competent at skills to use in any and all situations that make you start to feel clammy or looping about what-ifs.
Can't Stop, Won't Stop
Begins January 10th, 2023. How to stop doing that thing you can’t stop doing. You’re repeating a behavior over and over that doesn’t serve you. You’ve tried to analyze why, made New Year’s resolutions, read books about it; you always go back to it anyway. Learn how to actually change a behavior once and for all.
Speak Now
Begins March 2nd, 2023. Difficult conversations and setting boundaries! Would you rather pack up and move to a new town than tell people how you feel? Learn to determine what your boundaries are and how to communicate with others in ways that are effective, meet your objectives, and maintain positive relationships.
Me, Myself, and I
Begins May 2nd, 2023. Are some people just born feeling good about themselves? How do they get like that?! Learn how to improve your relationship with yourself, to feel at ease in your own skin, even to like yourself, and how to ease up on constant self-criticism and shame.
Bad Romance
Coming soon. Keep picking the wrong people? Forget who you are and what you like when you get into a relationship? Jealous? Sweaty? Hate the whole thing?! Learn how to stay in touch with yourself and what you want, and pick people who can give it to you.
Low and Slow
Coming soon. For my folks on the more depressive side sometimes. Learn how to get out of a funk, find your motivation again, and enjoy your life. You don’t always have to understand what’s causing your low mood in order to change it; skills jumpstart the process and get you feeling better sooner rather than later.